About the MIRAD opening conference
“Continuity in Counter-radicalisation Programmes: MIRAD threefold approach” online conference is an event marking the launch of MIRAD project.
MIRAD (Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement) is funded by the European Commission’s Internal Security Fund – Police (ISFP) (GA no. 101035878). Its official consortium kick-off took place in January this year and this conference will bring the subject of the project together with its main goals and background to a interested in audience. Additionally, invited keynote speakers will share experience, a wider perspective and different aspects within the radicalisation topic.
The event is addressed to a wide range of stakeholders and practitioners involved in monitoring, preventing and counteracting radicalisation especially NGO organisations working with extremist/radical individuals, prison and probation staff, judicial staff, researchers, practitioners, networks, civil society organisations, and other stakeholders in the field of Violent right-wing extremism and Islamist Extremism risk assessment and intervention; and other entities interested in this topic.
The opening conference will be held online on 24 February starting at 12:00 CET. Registration is required. Registration form can be found here.
Elyamine Settoul
Elyamine Settoul is a lecturer at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers and a PhD in political science at the Institut d’études politiques de Paris (2012). His research focuses on security/defence issues, immigration issues and radicalization. He has participated in various European research projects and is an expert on radicalization phenomena at numerous structures (radicalization observatory, ministries, local authorities, prison administration, etc.).
Mariyan Sabev
Mariyan Sabev is a Security analyst and Coordinator of Communications at the Center for the Study of Democracy. Having previous background in criminal justice and national security, over the past four years his research is focused on holistic approaches to the prevention of radicalization and countering violent extremism. Mariyan has been continuously contributing to the work of both RAN Practitioners and RAN Policy Support networks on the topics of early identification, deradicalisation and reintegration of offenders and also providing capacity building for prison and law enforcement officers.
Joana Apóstolo
Joana Apóstolo is Head of the Judicial Cooperation Portfolio at IPS. Joana holds a binational Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in International Relations (University of Coimbra, Portugal and SciencesPo Bordeaux, France). At IPS, she is responsible for the design and management of projects in the field of judicial cooperation and fundamental rights, having developed research on Human Rights in the criminal justice system, mutual recognition instruments, and legal responses to radicalisation and violent extremism. Among others, Joana is a certified trainer, a Full Member of the International Corrections and Prisons Association, and has recently been appointed as the representative of IPS in the EU Commission Expert Group on the European Arrest Warrant.
Pedro Liberado
Pedro Liberado is Chief Research Officer and Head of Radicalisation, Violent Extremism and Organised Crime Portfolio at IPS. Pedro is a PhD Researcher in Criminology at the University of Granada, holds an MSc in Criminology from the University of Porto, a PgDip in Strategic and Security Studies from the NOVA University of Lisbon and the Institute of National Defence (Portuguese Ministry of National Defence), and a BA in Sociology from the University of Coimbra. Pedro is a former researcher at the University of Lisbon and the University of Tampere. At IPS, he is responsible for the design, management, and sustainability of projects in the field of P/CVE and radicalisation prevention, contributing to the implementation of over 10 EU-funded projects in this area. In the field of P/CVE, Pedro has developed extensive work related to criminal justice staff training, radicalisation risk screening and assessment, implementation of exit programmes (incl. evaluation), among others. Pedro is also a certified trainer, a Full Member of the International Corrections and Prisons Association, a Member of the American Probation and Parole Association, and an active member within RAN Practitioners’ meetings and RAN Policy Support.
Pedro das Neves
Pedro das Neves is the CEO of IPS_Innovative Prison Systems and Executive Director of ICJS Innovative Criminal Justice Systems Inc. (IPS’ North American branch). Pedro holds a Sociology degree from UBI University and a MA from the College of Europe in Bruges, having as well other learning experiences in international universities. Has worked on public administration reform for 20 years, and on Criminal Justice Innovation Systems (since 2002) in different countries. He is the founder and editor of JUSTICE TRENDS, a magazine on innovation and best practices in prison and probation systems. In 2017 he was awarded the ICPA Correctional Excellence Award. He is a board director of ICPA, the International Prisons and Corrections Association, and a board member of the BSAFE LAB Law Enforcement, Justice and Public Safety Lab of Beira Interior University. Pedro is a member of the European Commission (‘DG JUST’) group of experts on European Judicial Training and an alternate member of the DG JUST expert group on the implementation of the European Arrest Warrant. He’s been involved in coordination duties of EU-funded initiatives in the area of criminal justice innovation and staff training for several years, with radicalisation prevention being one of his main intervention topics. In Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tunisia, Pedro has also supported the UNODC team on the adoption of inmate risks and needs assessment instruments. He has been invited as a guest observer to European Commission, Council of Europe and EUROPRIS meetings and as a speaker in several international events organised by the Council of Europe, EUROPRIS, ICPA (International Corrections and Prisons Association), EPEA (European Prison Education Association), COMJIB (Conference of Ministers of the Justice of the Ibero-American countries), the Inter-American Development Bank, the European Commission and governments from the different Member States.
Aisyah Q. Yuliani
Aisyah Q. Yuliani (Yuli) is an International Project Coordinator for the implementation of the Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters Detention Program and Post-release Monitoring and Probation of Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighter and Violent Extremist Offenders for the UNODC Project office in the Kyrgyz Republic. Previously, she has worked in UNODC Programme Office in Indonesia as a national programme coordinator and managed the portfolio on terrorism prevention, management of violent extremist offenders, and crime prevention in addition to overall support for DMNE and reporting for the office. She also provided thematic and program development support for the prison reform programmes in Southeast Asia, Maldives, and Bangladesh. Prior to joining UNODC, Yuli has worked at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute as a Programme Officer and managed the fair and efficient justice program, which focused on promoting the systematised monitoring of compliance with international standards in correctional facilities and assisting the government of Indonesia on the implementation of the new juvenile justice law. She has also worked with Search for Common Ground (Washington DC and Jakarta) in creating a youth and PVE programme in Africa and Asia; with ACCESS Youth in Washington D.C. which supported the restorative justice and youth diversion programme of the Office of the Attorney General; and, with ACREF (Nairobi) on post-conflict peacebuilding and crime prevention. Yuli holds a master’s degree in international peace and conflict resolution with a specialisation in transformative justice and post-conflict development and an undergraduate degree in international studies.
Dr David Hansen
Dr David Hansen currently works as an Associate Professor at the University College of Norwegian Correctional Service (KRUS). At KRUS, David conducts comprehensive empirical research relating to Muslims in Norwegian prisons, teaches and supervises on the issue of radicalisation in prisons, and supports the directorate in activities aimed at preventing radicalisation in Norwegian prisons. His published work includes (2018) ‘Radicalisation in Norwegian Prisons: The Story of ‘Zubair’’, published by Cambridge Scholars. Moreover, he is currently a member of the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN), having attended several events related to the issues of radicalisation and violent extremism in the prison and probation contexts.
Conservatoire National
des Arts et Métiers
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems
Euro-Arab Foundation
for Higher Studies
Center for the Study of Democracy
Social Action and Innovation Centre
Les Militants des Savoirs
International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology
Polish Platform for Homeland Security
Edyta Pazura-Umecka
Polish Platform for Homeland Security
Magda Okuniewska
Polish Platform for Homeland Security
This project is funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund — Police (GA no. 101035878)